Source: flowmachine/features/subscriber/daily_location.py
Calculates an subscriber daily location using different methods. A daily location is a statistic representing where an subscriber is on a given day.
daily_location(date, stop=None, *, spatial_unit: Union[flowmachine.core.spatial_unit.CellSpatialUnit, flowmachine.core.spatial_unit.GeomSpatialUnit, NoneType] = None, hours: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None, method='last', table='all', subscriber_identifier='msisdn', ignore_nulls=True, subscriber_subset=None)
Return a query for locating all subscribers on a single day of data.
iso format date for the day in question, e.g. 2016-01-01
optionally specify a stop datetime in iso format date for the day in question, e.g. 2016-01-02 06:00:00
, defaultNone
Spatial unit to which subscriber locations will be mapped. See the docstring of make_spatial_unit for more information.
, defaultNone
Subset the result within certain hours, e.g. (4,17) This will subset the query only with these hours, but across all specified days. Or set to 'all' to include all hours.
, default'last'
The method by which to calculate the location of the subscriber. This can be either 'most-common' or last. 'most-common' is simply the modal location of the subscribers, whereas 'lsat' is the location of the subscriber at the time of the final call in the data.
, default'all'
schema qualified name of the table which the analysis is based upon. If 'ALL' it will use all tables that contain location data, specified in flowmachine.yml.
:{'msisdn', 'imei'}
, default'msisdn'
Either msisdn, or imei, the column that identifies the subscriber.
, defaultNone
If provided, string or list of string which are msisdn or imeis to limit results to; or, a query or table which has a column with a name matching subscriber_identifier (typically, msisdn), to limit results to.
- A date without a hours and mins will be interpreted as midnight of that day, so to get data within a single day pass (e.g.) '2016-01-01', '2016-01-02'. * Use 24 hr format!
locate_subscribers(start, stop, spatial_unit: Union[flowmachine.core.spatial_unit.CellSpatialUnit, flowmachine.core.spatial_unit.GeomSpatialUnit, NoneType] = None, hours: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None, method='last', table='all', subscriber_identifier='msisdn', *, ignore_nulls=True, subscriber_subset=None)
Return a class representing the location of an individual. This can be called with a number of different methods. Find the last/most-frequent location for every subscriber within the given time frame. Specify a spatial unit.
iso format date range for the the time frame, e.g. 2016-01-01 or 2016-01-01 14:03:01
, defaultNone
Spatial unit to which subscriber locations will be mapped. See the docstring of make_spatial_unit for more information.
, defaultNone
Subset the result within certain hours, e.g. (4,17) This will subset the query only with these hours, but across all specified days. Or set to 'all' to include all hours.
, default'last'
The method by which to calculate the location of the subscriber. This can be either 'most-common' or last. 'most-common' is simply the modal location of the subscribers, whereas 'lsat' is the location of the subscriber at the time of the final call in the data.
, default'all'
schema qualified name of the table which the analysis is based upon. If 'all' it will use all tables that contain location data, specified in flowmachine.yml.
:{'msisdn', 'imei'}
, default'msisdn'
Either msisdn, or imei, the column that identifies the subscriber.
, defaultNone
If provided, string or list of string which are msisdn or imeis to limit results to; or, a query or table which has a column with a name matching subscriber_identifier (typically, msisdn), to limit results to.
Eventually passed to flowmachine.spatial_metrics.spatial_helpers.
last_locs = locate_subscribers('2016-01-01 13:30:30',
'2016-01-02 16:25:00'
spatial_unit = CellSpatialUnit
subscriber | cell
subscriberA | 233241
subscriberB | 234111
subscriberC | 234111
- A date without a hours and mins will be interpreted as midnight of that day, so to get data within a single day pass (e.g.) '2016-01-01', '2016-01-02'. * Use 24 hr format!