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Enum ZMQReplyStatus

Source: flowmachine/core/server/

Valid status values for a zmq reply.


  • success: success

  • error: error

Class ZMQReply

ZMQReply(status, msg="", payload=None)
Source: flowmachine/core/server/

Class representing a zmq reply. It has the following responsibilities: - Ensure that the reply status can only be one of the valid values defined in ZMQReplyStatus. - Ensure the JSON structure of the reply is consistent. - Ensure that at least one of a message and payload is provided

Class ZMQReplyMessage

Source: flowmachine/core/server/

Class representing a zmq reply message. The input is automatically converted to a string if needed.

Class ZMQReplyPayload

Source: flowmachine/core/server/

Class representing payload included in a zmq reply. The input is automatically converted to a dict.